Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flashcard Pocket Folder

I am the proud mama of a first grader and therefore, math flashcards are a necessary part of our life. Flash cards can get quite monotonous. Sometimes I don't know who is more tortured by them; me or my daughter. So in an effort to put a fun spin on the necessary evils of first grade, I decided to make a flashcard pocket folder where instead of simply reciting her math facts, she can now sort them in this fun, colorful folder game.

Let's get started!

I used the Walk In My Garden cartridge to cut 10 foundation envelopes at 7". Your envelopes may have to vary in size depending on the size of your flashcards. Our math curriculum in Saxon and 7" envelopes worked perfect.

 Below is the envelope before folding.

In order to make it easier for my daughter to insert and remove her flashcards, I cut the tops off the envelopes, making them  3 1/2" tall after folding.

Here is my rainbow of folded folders. Aren't they pretty? :)

Next step, cutting the numbers for the little folders. I LOVE the Sesame Street Font cartridge! I was getting a bit fed up with the thin, delicate font cartridges I had and heard this was a good one to try. The numbers and letters are fun and chunky and so easy to work with. I cut the numbers at 2" and gave each one a black shadow to make them pop. Then I glued the ten folders to a file folder... and voila!

A closer look at how it works..

My daughter will be using this for the subtraction facts she currently working on. But next year I will have a kindergartner and she too will be able to use the same folder for her simpler addition facts.